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Advantage of Pure Gold Wire Encapsulation LEDs
(Au wire materials: Gold, Copper) In above image, we can see the LED lamp structure, no matter what type ofLED lamp, SMD or DIP, it is briefly like that. The AU wire is acritical ...12/12/2017
"Sports LED screens” are nothing new, event trivial, but the topic is visually stimulating and important. Sports display screens were initially just modest scoreboards, however, technology made a...12/11/2014
Essential Characteristics for the Quality Images of LED Video Screens
The characteristics below are essential from the point of image quality of LED video screens:* LED video screen resolution (so called spatial resolution). In LED video screens it is closely related to...12/9/2014
The unit of color temperature is K (Kelvin). It is is a lightsource color scale and has important applications in the field of photography,video, publishing and so on. The color temperature of the lig...12/8/2014
How Different size LED Chip affects photoelectric characteristics
Why the LED chip is divided into different sizes such as 8mil, 9mil … 13 to 22mil, 40mil, etc.? How does different size chip affect the LED photoelectric characteristics?(mil is one measurement unit,...12/4/2014
(From LEDNEWS)LED is the abbreviation of light emitting diode . It is compound of gallium (Ga), arsenic (AS) and phosphorus (P), when the electron and hole recombination can radiate visible light, and...12/3/2014
How LED affect display quality ?
(From LEDNEWS)LED, as its most critical components for For a full-color LED display, its quality plays a very critical role in the LED display quality and performance. A LED screen is compo...12/2/2014
How to choose a good LED display ?
(From LEDnews)Now, LED display is very popular for the advertising, TV studio, touring shows and so on. And many buyers may confused how to find a good quality and suitable LED screen. We will gu...12/1/2014
Difference between three LED display light sources
------- Arise Technology Co, Ltd. As we know, the light source is very important materials for LED display performance and stability, because light source determines LED display consistency, view...11/29/2014
How to reduce LED display light attenuation
How to reduce LED display light attenuation? (Article from LEDNEWS) The light attenuation always is the maintenance problem on the large LED digital display and dot matrix display, in addition to use...11/26/2014
Guideline for SMD LED soldering
POSTED ON SEPTEMBER 4, 2013 BY ADMIN IN LED COMPONENT, LED KNOWLEDGE WITH THERE ARE NO COMMENTSIn order to produce quality LED products, there are many measures need to be care when soldering SMD LED,...11/26/2014
Brief Introduction of LED Display
This article is fFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, about Light-emitting diode (LED) based displays. An LED display is a flat panel display, which uses an array of ligh...11/26/2014
LED Display Steel Structure Demonstration
Regular Outdoor full color LED display steelstructure diagram Outdoorcurved full color LED display steel structure diagram Outdoor LED display steel structurepicturesOutdoor LED display steel structur...10/26/2014